Faraz Berjis: Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Faraz Berjis, MD is a gastroenterologist in Berkeley, CA. He treats conditions such as dysphagia and inflammatory bowel disease. He accepts multiple insurance plans.

Health coaches are bringing a root-cause, holistic perspective to the healthcare system. They work with functional medicine practitioners and conventional doctors to foster a healthcare environment that prioritizes wellness.

What Is a Health Coach?

As behavior change experts, health coaches specialize in helping clients make sustainable lifestyle changes. Their work is based on research that supports their client-centered approach to encouraging and supporting client discovery, exploration, mobilization of internal strengths, identification of external resources and self-management strategies.

They use their knowledge to help clients create a personalized plan that is tailored to the specific needs and goals of each client, whether they are a private client or part of a corporate wellness program. They may also be certified in the field by a recognized credentialing organization which can have a significant impact on their ability to find and maintain coaching jobs.

Unlike life coaches, health coaches have a working understanding of nutrition, exercise and sleep as well as the influence they can have on their clients’ overall health. This allows them to empathize with their clients and support their transformation from the inside out. They can be found in countries around the world, working one-on-one with clients or facilitating group coaching programs.

What Is Functional Medicine Health Coaching?

Functional Medicine health coaching is the key to facilitating long-term behavioral changes that clients can maintain. It takes into account all the pieces of the puzzle--body systems, triggering events, family history, daily habits, and more--that shape wellness far beyond the latest symptoms.

It's like giving healthcare a 21st-century upgrade: instead of chasing symptoms, it helps people understand their unique health stories and how they can make lifestyle changes that will support achieving wellness goals.

Health Coaches are Jane of all wellness trades, combining extensive knowledge of nutrition, fitness, sleep, emotional well-being, and more. They are skilled in supporting clients to navigate often contradictory nutritional advice and create sustainable, long-term changes that will fit their lives. They also know how to encourage and celebrate mini-goals along the way, helping them build healthy habits that are truly empowering. This holistic and proactive approach to wellness is a major reason why Functional Medicine health coaches are poised to make an impact on the future of healthcare.

Why Work with a Functional Medicine Health Coach?

Working with a health coach can be a game changer for your overall well-being. They act as a guide and support system as you navigate new diets, exercise regimens, stress management techniques, and more.

They help you get to the root cause of your health concerns. They dig deep into your symptoms, lifestyle choices, and genetics to see what's really going on. This approach is more efficient and effective than the traditional way of chasing down symptoms with band-aid solutions.

A Functional Medicine Health Coach will provide the foundation to build a healthier life. They will ask the right questions, guide you through a personalized plan of action and assist in the implementation of your goals. They will also check in regularly to celebrate successes and reevaluate as needed. They will empower you to make sustainable behavior changes and give you the tools to continue on your journey long after their coaching relationship has ended.

How Can I Work with a Functional Medicine Health Coach?

When patients work with Katie, she shows them how to use the comprehensive care plan they receive from their doctor, helping them navigate new food plans and dietary changes, exercise protocols, and more. She also encourages them to stay on track with their goals by setting mini-goals, celebrating successes, and redirecting the journey when necessary. For more details please visit Faraz Berjis - Health Coach

Health coaches are filling a crucial gap in the current healthcare model. While the training doctors and nurses receive enables them to diagnose and treat, it does not equip them to help patients build healthy habits and create sustainable behavior change.

For practitioners who want to give their practice a 21st-century upgrade and focus on solving complex health problems, functional medicine is the answer. It requires detective skills to uncover the root causes of illness, and it empowers people to take control of their health by targeting aspects of their immediate environment that they have control over—like diet, sleep, and exercise.

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